Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hello and welcome to Ubuntu Africa’s blog! For those who do not know, UBA is a not for profit organization in Cape Town that works with HIV positive kids ages 4 to 18.  It is an after school type program where the children receive one-on-one counseling, health education, a safe place to go in the afternoons, and an all around support system with other children with HIV.  Ubuntu is located in Khayelitsha, Cape Town’s largest township, with over 2 million people and the HIV rate at 40%.  Clearly, there is a need for this program and others like it in Khayelitsha. 

On this blog we will post updates of our latest projects, stories of the kids and staff, and our prospects for the future.  Currently, there are about 55 children that come to the center 5 days a week and there is a staff of about 12 working with and for the children.  The main focus of the staff is the children and their well-being, however there are other projects that are always being worked on at the center.

Right now our regional manager Julia is working on many things such as fundraising, coordinating with other NGO’s in the area, and managing the staff while Whitney is away on vacation.  We also have Annie Berger, a nutrition oriented intern, who is working here for 2 months.  She will be helping with the nutrition and health aspect of the center, as well as helping Julia with the administrative tasks.  Maddie and Brigid are also working at the center through a service-learning program at University of Cape Town.  Along with helping Julia and working with the kids, they are trying to set up an income-generating project for the 15 involved mothers that are currently unemployed.  There are also bigger projects in Ubuntu’s future that are in the process of being planned at the moment.  These include includes setting up satellites of our center around Khayelitsha and building a second center in the next 2 years!  These are very exciting prospects that we will continue to update you on.

This coming week the kids all have a school break so they are going on a two-day camping trip with the staff.  They are all looking forward to the trip and there are sure to be stories when they come back!

Until next time, salani kakuhle (meaning stay well in Xhosa)! 

